Tuesday, August 9, 2022

But his documents

      One of his signature issues in the 2016 presidential elections was tRump's obsession with Hilary Clinton's private e-mail server.   Though a thorough investigation proved no classified information was mishandled by Clinton the media kept up a steady drumbeat echoing tRump's supposed concerns.  Now the shoe is on the other foot and it seems it pinches.

      The DOJ had to convince a federal judge there was probable cause to think evidence of crimes was in place at the failed former president's residence, Mar a lago.   Considering the political blowback such an action was sure to engender, I'm sure Merrick Garland must have iron-clad evidence to take the step of searching tRump's castle.   Republicans are up in arms about the action, but as several pundits said, the DOJ has information the GOP doesn't.  Once again, the Republican dog is chasing the car.  Let's hope they catch it again!

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