Monday, August 15, 2022

The end is near

       After thenasty heat earlier this month, we have settled into typical late August weather in the north country; warm sunny days and cool, pleasant nights.   Most people love this weather, but gardeners know it is a prelude to the long cold winter coming.  It is too late to plant warm weather, long day loving plants.  When the zucchini and cucumbers give up the ghost there will be no replacements.

     But all is not lost!   The cooler weather plants like kale and spinach are ready to replace summer fare.  The tomatoes and peppers  are producing and will continue to do so until frost which should come sometime in early to mid October.  I'm still making succession planting of lettuce and chinese broccoli and bok choi.  But as the doomsayers lament, "the end is near", or at least nearer than I would like.

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