Monday, August 8, 2022


      Despite carve outs favoring the wealthy by Kirsten Sinema (D- Hedge Fund) and fossil fuel interests for Joe Manchin (D Exxon), regular Democrats in the Senate were able to pass  the Inflation Reduction Act on a strict party line vote.  The 50-50 tie was broken by VP Kamala Harris in her role as presiding officer of the Senate.

     This successor to Build Back Better does not have nearly the heft of the latter, but it is still an achievement the party can run on in the November midterms.  Nearly 370 billion dollars for climate mitigation and research to combat climate change is nothing to sneeze at.  Steps to allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices is another bright spot as is a minimum tax on corporate earnings are also welcome.  More important is the proof that compromise, even if it is only with members of your own party can lead to good governance.   The GOP continues to blindly oppose anything the Democrats do.  Unfortunately, they don't offer another alternative aside from slashing taxes on the rich and doing the bidding of their corporate overlords.

     With falling inflation, Republicans are losing the one issue they hoped to ride to victory in November.  Let's hope the Democrats use their exercise in good governance shows the average swing voter there is only one party interested in working in her best interest.

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