Thursday, August 11, 2022

Shoes continue to drop

       Even Melania's wardrobe doesn't include as many shoes as are dropping in the Donald's multiplicity of civil and criminal investigations.   From suborning state officials in Georgia to sexual assault allegations to civil lawsuits against him and his company in New York, tRump is exposed as few people in this country outside of Mafia Dons have ever been.   In a land of grievance, the man is the undisputed King.

     The various legal troubles continue to swirl, but at some point later this year or next, court dates and trials will begin.  The millions who belong to the cult of tRump will be treated to eye popping revelations and legal evidence showing their Dear Leader at the center of perhaps the most lawless administrations in American history.  Will it convince them?   Certainly a few at the margin will stop drinking the Kool-Aid, but millions more will be convinced he is getting a bum rap.  Many, if not most of these people are part of the tiny minority of "deplorables" who most of us would cross the street to avoid, but if even 10% of the population is immune to fact based narratives, the potential for violence on a large scale is a possibility.  We are entering a dangerous time for those of us who believe in democracy.

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