Friday, August 12, 2022

Donnie Two Scoops and the law

        Yesterday, Merrick Garland called tRump's bluff and ordered the release of the search warrant used to remove classified documents from the failed former president's residence in Florida.   From what I understand this morning, Donnie Two Scoops' legal team will demand the release of some sort of fantasy documents while at the same time opposing the release of the warrant and the inventory of documents taken by the FBI.   Hopefully the media will blow up this latest attempt to spin the news.

      According to some sources, the classified documents involved were top secret and related to nuclear defense.   If the Espionage Act was involved, tRump could be in a world of hurt.   It would prove ironic indeed if the first domino to fall involved mishandling of classified documents, the same issue he bludgeoned Hilary Clinton with in the 2016 election.   Of course, a few pundits on the left have even insinuated the secrets may very well have been shopped in the nuclear black market.   Personally, I find that hard to believe even if I am more than willing to believe the worst when it comes to tRump.  Time will tell.

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