Thursday, August 4, 2022

The crisis mentality

      The continuing weather related disasters make the daily news a horror show of devastation.  Yesterday, the governor of Kentucky wondered out loud why his state seemed to be an epicenter of disaster.   Meanwhile, western states continue to burn.  In other news, the nation continues to be split by the abortion debate, war continues to rage in Ukraine and inflation is eroding the world's ability to respond to these and other crises.

       Of course in a reflective mode, we can easily see climate change as the greatest threat to humanity, dwarfing every other concern.   Unfortunately, that is not how the human brain works.   With some justification we have dumped hundreds of billions into the Covid 19 crisis.  Now monkeypox may demand a similar expenditure.   And the world continues to flood and burn.  The same outcome can be discerned regarding the other problems listed above.

      It is the old saw of the frog in a pot of water.    Raise the temperature of the water slowly but steadily and before the amphibian knows what is happening he cooks.   The same thing is happening to humanity.  The drumbeat of disaster continues.   Temperature is rising.   Will we figure this out, or will we join the frog?

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