Friday, August 19, 2022

Life under the GOP

        Sometime in the not too distant future, Republicans will hit the trifecta of American governance.  They will control the House, Senate and White House.  People like Marjorie Taylor Greene in the House and, Dog forbid, Ron Johnson in the Senate will have real power to affect the lives of everyday Americans.button Culture War issues such as a nationwide ban on abortions, doing away with gay marriage and making sure trans people are not allowed to play any kind of sport are issues they can and will take action on.   Do you really think Social Security and Medicare are sacrosanct?   Already, some are calling for both programs to be approved by Congress on a yearly basis.  That involves the ability to amend the laws.   Think about that.

    Of course, zero taxes for "job creators" is high on the agenda.  Politization of justice and further emasculation of the Voting Rights Act are other targets.   If you think none of this is possible and cooler heads will prevail, you have not been paying attention to politics for the last 20 years.  These atrocities are not only possible, but are being planned as i write this.   

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