Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Democracy for thee but not for me

       The sacrificial lamb was selected in NY 21cte last night.  Matt Castelli earned the dubious honor of running  against Elise Stefanik to represent the district in the next Congress.  Castelli is a former CIA agent who is betting a moderate democrat can defeat the MAGA candidate in a district which continues to trend bright red.   Outside of Democratic enclaves surrounding universities and hospitals in the district we might as well be in the backwoods of Tennessee or Alabama as far as voting proclivities.   Guns are the major issue in this area and even "moderate" Republicans are worried the government is coming for their AR-15s. 

At one time a Democrat actually broke through and won this district for the first time since the Civil War.  Bill Owens, a Clinton Democrat with strong ties to the business community sneaked through when Republicans split their vote between two candidates.  Unless Castelli has some secret plan or Stefanik is embroiled in a shocking scandal, the latter is basically a shoe in.  I can almost sympathize with downstate Republicans in Blue districts who probably feel the way I do.   Democracy for thee, but not for me.

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