Monday, October 4, 2021

This and that

      It was a wild news weekend for sports fans and policy wonks.   The Yankees made the playoffs in the bottom of the ninth as Aaron Judge singled home the only run of the game.   This sets up a wild card game with the Red Sox in Boston on Tuesday.  Meanwhile, the football Giants and Jets tempted their long suffering fans with flashes of real talent as they both won in overtime against better teams.  All I can say is don't hold your breath waiting for a championship run.

    In the world of politics, it was the Manchin-Sinema show as the two senators holding the Biden administration's legacy in their hands showed no signs of movement toward the Dems multi-trillion dollar reconciliation bill.   Sinema in particular seems laser focused on derailing the whole deal in service to her corporate paymasters.   It's going to be a long month in Washington.

     It is October 4th and it looks like local growers and gardeners will have ample time to harvest everything before the first frost of the season except in some mountain locations.   The long range forecast for the month shows above normal temperatures for most of the country.   Then again, what do we expect in a time of human induced climate change.

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