Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Pretty depressing

        It's hard to be a liberal in the United States in 2021.   The Biden administration' s signature legislation, the Build Back Better bill is being effectively gutted by two putative Democrats in the Senate.  tRump and his minions are doing their best to stall the investigative work by the House Select Committee on the events leading up to the January 6 insurrection.   The DOJ, led by Merrick Garland is turning into a toothless tiger when it comes to the misdeeds of the previous government.  We seem to be careening inexorably toward ecological disaster.   The Covid pandemic continues to propagate around the world with devastating effects on the supply chains which keep the economy humming.  I could go on, but you get the idea.

      There are solutions to all the problems mentioned above.   The common denominator to resistance to amelioration is the Republican party.   Because letting things fester for the next year is the surest way back to power for the GOP.   A dispirited Democratic party and an energized MAGA base spells at least two more years of gridlock leading up to the 2024 Presidential election.  

     It doesn't have to be this way.  However, unless Democrats score some decisive legislative victories soon, we can look forward to a Congress controlled by a band of nihilists bent on destroying our democracy.

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