Monday, October 18, 2021

Can Democrats get it done

       It's hard not to be cynical about the chances of Democrats passing the Biden administration's Build Back Better bill anytime soon.   Even if centrists in the House wind up supporting a slimmed down bill, either Joe Manchin or Kyrsten Sinema could torpedo the legislation in the Senate and there is very little majority leader, Chuck Schumer, can do about it.

     Let's face it, Manchin and Sinema are Republican Lite and if either thought they could get the GOP nomination for the Senate in their respective states, they would be caucusing with Moscow Mitch right now.   That, unfortunately, is the reality Democrats have to deal with.   The trick is getting something that improves Americans' everyday lives approved through reconciliation.   It won't be what progressives originally envisioned, but it will be something they can point to and exhort voters to elect more like minded Senators so we can finally overcome the inertia which continues to bedevil this Congress.

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