Thursday, October 14, 2021

Of the Beatles and Captain Kirk

       The denizens of Morning Joseph took a few minutes off from their endless pontificating about the state of our politics to remind us of two icons of baby boomer culture.  Captain Kirk in the person of 90 year old William Shatner blasted off to a place where over 500 people have gone before.  Meanwhile, in less than a month, director Peter Jackson will present a 3 part history of the breakup of the Beatles and the making of the album "Let it Be".  

      Shatner's excellent adventure was definitely more relevant to the present, but the news media covered the early part of his post touchdown reflections, omitting his warning to all of us that we are destroying the thin skin of atmosphere which protects us.   As soon as the Captain began to expound on the existential crisis confronting the human race, Jeff Bezos steered the conversation back to Shatner's anodyne experience in the Blue Origin capsule with 3 other astronauts.   If the billionaires' space race has taught us nothing else, it has shown with present technology, space flight can be a literal amateur hour.   Now if only Shatner could have warbled a few notes of "Space Oddity"...

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