Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Is the death of democracy greatly exaggerated?

       With apologies to Mark Twain, the paraphrase of his famous quote is becoming increasingly relevant when applied to American democracy, at least by the left and right wing media.   It is hard to watch either Fox news or MSNBC without hearing a commentator opine we are losing democracy as we know it because of the machinations of either Democrats or Republicans, depending  on which network you are listening to.   The Divine Mrs. M and I imagine many liberals are becoming depressed by the steady drumbeat of doom.

     The emergence of radical right wing candidates for Secretaries of State in many swing states is one bell wether to watch .   These "true believers" in the Big Lie are telling us they will reverse any Democratic victories if elected.   I hope the citizens of red states take their statements seriously.   Nearly 80% of Republicans profess to believe tRump was the actual winner of the 2020 election.    That means you and I know or know of someone in our social circle who is delusional.

      Aside from working for the election of Democratic candidates and donating to the party, i think the continual debunking of these election myths is the main thing we can do between elections.

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