Wednesday, October 27, 2021


        As a confirmed, dyed in the wool Yankee fan, my tolerance for baseball is usually extinguished as soon as my team has been eliminated from post season play.   However, this year I find myself strangely fascinated by the ongoing tournament.

        At first it was to root against the hated Red Sox.   Although I will never buy into the Boston mystique, I had to admit the Sox showed resilience as they beat the Rays and fought to a 2-2 tie in the ALCS before falling to the even more hated Astros.  This is the team who supposedly cheated their way to a World Series victory in 2017, beating the Yankees along the way.

      So, I find myself rooting for a National League team for the first time in my life.   The Braves are a scrappy team with an underdog vibe and I will tune in again tonight to see if they can steal another game in Houston.   At least this November I will still have a rooting interest in baseball.  Go Braves!

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