Friday, October 8, 2021

chickening out

        As most commentators opined, Mitch McConnell chickened out, blinked, etc. and put off the debate over the "debt ceiling" for another couple of months.   Expect your Christmas to be ruined by tRump and the GOP as they try to score political points over a made up crisis.

       While McConnell was excoriated by the likes of Ted Cruz and the former guy, most people realized  the majority leaders patrons were really calling the shots.   The 1% don't want to see the American economy crash and burn under the supervision of the ideologues.   They have created a monster in the Republican party, and without the majority leader holding his caucus together and providing the votes to at least kick the can down the road for another couple of months, we would be staring down the barrel of the gun of debt default.  It remains to be seen if the oligarchs can continue to hold the leash of the GOP and the crazy person in charge of it.

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