Friday, October 1, 2021

Republicans' selfishness

      There are so many examples of Republican selfishness occurring right now that it is hard to focus on which are the most egregious, but vaccine refusal and failure to support raising the debt ceiling are on my mind today.

       Vaccine mandates are finally moving the needle as far as overall immunization is concerned, although the minority of holdouts are getting outsize media attention.  I'm sorry, but I have zero sympathy for registered nurses who have taken innumerable mandatory vaccinations who now say they want to control what goes into their bodies.   Two of my daughters are R.N.s and have both received their shots.

      Meanwhile, Republicans in Congress are providing no help to Democrats as they struggle to raise the debt ceiling to pay for the former guy's tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy.   The hypocrisy involved is mind boggling, but in today's GOP, it's just another day at the office.

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