Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Another season of futility

      The Yankees' 2021 season ended with a whimper on the field at Fenway park in Boston.  Let the post mortem begin!   Having personally watched dozens of games since the All Star break, it seems obvious to me the team sleep walks through too many contests and the back half of the lineup is sub par.   As currently constituted the Yankees will continue to win more than they lose, but will not challenge for another World Series title.   Maybe it's time to give the minor league prospects a chance to surround Judge and Stanton with the talent and enthusiasm which players like Gary Sanchez and Gleber Torres seem to lack.   Aaron Boone's excuses for poor play and lack of hustle are getting tired.

     I know in the grand scheme of things my fixation on a poorly managed baseball team seems petty.   The perfidy of the GOP, climate change and our unequal society and the continuing dysfunction of the Democratic party demand our attention and the work needed to correct the problems.   However, problems, even existential threats have always been with us.  Rooting for a sports team is a way to deal with the tensions of everyday life.  I may not be able to fix the Yankees' problems any more than I can fix the climate, but sometimes we all need a break from reality.

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