Monday, December 16, 2019

The winter of discontent

      With Boris Johnson's crushing victory in the recent UK elections, pundits in the US are going into overdrive predicting a similar victory for tRump in the 2020 presidential sweepstakes.   Most are predicting electoral doom if democrats nominate Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren as these two are reckoned to be as far left as Labor's Jeremy Corbyn.
      Of course the possibility of a victory by Cheetolini is baked into the numbers.  Both the democratic and republican nominees start out the campaigns with about 45% of the voting public on their respective sides.  For democrats it is all about turning out their base, which is much larger than the republican's.  
      Most pundits writing for the largest papers and speaking on Cable news are members of the 1% and they think Sanders and Warren are harbingers of the apocalypse.   The fact they may have to sell that third home on Martha's Vineyard or do with one less domestic is reason enough to silently root for a tRump victory while simultaneously assuring the rest of us that nice things are not possible if we are to continue spending on a bloated military and making sure their latest tax cuts remain inviolate.

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