Thursday, December 19, 2019

The party of conscience

     An inner guide to feeling whether something is right or wrong.   I think that is an apt description of democrats after the historic vote yesterday which impeached the president* in the House.  Two democrats opposed the measure and Tulsi Gabbard, Putin's preferred democratic candidate for president, voted present.   31 democrats who represent districts won by tRump in the 2016 elections voted to impeach.   They had no incentive to do so other than a conscience prompted decision the evidence warranted the charge.
      Listening to a few of the republicans who aside from the apostate, Justin Amash, voted unanimously against impeachment was a form of torture.   Ignorance is not an excuse, gentlemen!  The GOP representatives were uniformly white, overwhelmingly male and mostly old.  In other words, the preferred Fox News demographic.  This is the audience they were pandering to, starting with the old white dude residing (for the moment) at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
      The democrats had no choice in voting for impeachment.   Besides overwhelming evidence of a crime, the administration's constant obstruction of their investigations guaranteed the outcome.  Republicans can willfully deny the charges, but the obstruction of the Congress' institutional prerogatives should give them pause, especially in the Senate.
     Now comes the cat and mouse game between Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell.  Pelosi was asked if she would hold the impeachment articles until the Majority leader agreed to at least the appearence of a fair trial.  She did not deny the possibility.   It looks like she may be playing a better hand than the one she was dealt.

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