Thursday, December 12, 2019

Doing the right thing

    As we come closer to the 4th time articles of impeachment have been brought against a sitting president of the United States, the anguish some democratic representatives in the House are feeling continues to get prime time coverage.
     We are told these representatives of districts tRump won in 2016 are in a tough spot.  If they vote for impeachment the conventional wisdom goes, they risk the wrath of the voters who put them in office.   Personally, I think that is total BS.  Diehard tRump voters never voted for them in the first place and most if not all of those who did vote for them are sick of the president*'s lawlessness and will vote for anyone with a conscience.  The latter is a commodity in short supply in today's GOP.  We are at a crossroads with respect to democracy.   If we let this travesty of a man continue in office, we risk the republic which Benjamin Franklin said was ours, "if you can keep it".

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