Wednesday, December 4, 2019

And another one bites the dust.

      Plauged by low polling numbers and a faltering fund raising effort, Kamala Harris dropped out of the race for the democratic presidential nomination yesterday.    While I am not surprised, it was somewhat disheartening to see the party increasingly turn toward the probability of a white moderate becoming the nominee.
      Harris' campaign never really got over the polling bump she received at the first democratic debate when she went after a wobbly Joe Biden on his opposition to busing to achieve racial balance in schools.   It seemed she kept chasing another media moment and never laid out a serious plan.   However, what did in her candidacy was a shortage of money and Biden's seeming lock on the moderate black vote she was counting on.   She could have survived one or the other, but not both.  That said, she will remain an important voice for democrats.

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