Friday, December 27, 2019

Shocking news

      Shockingly, Chuck Todd of Meet the Press fame was shocked, shocked I tell you that republicans would actually come onto the set of his show and lie to him about the facts surrounding the president*s impeachment!
      Since Todd has also said it is not up to him to divine the truth or falsity of statements made by politicians I was certainly surprised by his shock when Ted Cruz expounded on the meme of Ukrainian meddling in the 2016 election with a straight face.  Todd then pointed to the numerous falsehoods tRump aimed at Cruz, his father, his family and his campaign in 2016.  like the good soldier he is, Cruz remained unmoved by Todd's litany.   For someone who makes millions of dollars each year to report on politics, only stupidity can excuse the MSNBC host.
      It seems like every week the light goes on for someone in the media and they exclaim republicans are lying to them on Sundays, in prime time, on the radio and in print.   How can they do this when most of the lies are easily fact checked?
      Republicans it seems, have found their base not only doesn't mind the lies, but actually looks forward to whatever spin the GOP puts on the latest corruption of our politics by tRump, McConnell and whomever crawls out of the woodwork to impugn democrats.  This is the only function of the republican party and until the 70% of the public who still value truth stand up and call the out, republicans will keep lying to your face, Chuck and will laugh at you as they leave the studio.

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