Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Shoes dropping

    The democrats p/reviewed their impeachment strategy yesterday and it looks like an attempt to satisfy all their constituencies as well as their consciences and their oath of office.
    By limiting themselves to two articles of impeachment they should be able to pass them through the House before Christmas and have the Senate take them up and start Cheetolini's trial in January.  The upside of the strategy is it satisfies the activist wing of the party and at the same time ensures the trial and foregone acquittal of the orange buffoon will be flushed down our  collective memory hole before the election season is upon us.
     The downside to this strategy is leaving so many instances of wrongdoing by the president* uninvestigated.   From obstructing the investigation into Russian meddling in our elections to violations of the emoluments clause, these eminently impeachable offenses will go unpunished to the chagrin of many.   Nancy Pelosi has decided to stake democrats' fortunes on two articles and a quick trial.   She and we know that even if the Donald was credibly shown to be the Boston Strangler he would be acquitted by the Senate, so why waste extra time detailing his many crimes?
     I think democrats can pursue both avenues in a post impeachment environment.   tRump will continue to do crimes and the dems can continue their crusade in the courts to force administration officials to testify.  The Donald may indeed be the first president to be impeached twice during his first term.

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