When I look at Nancy Pelosi, I see the steely eyed determination which has made her the highest ranking female in government in US history. However, yesterday she alluded to another side of her personality while dispatching a right wing "reporter" who shouted out " Do you hate the president" as she was leaving the podium after announcing she had instructed her committee chairmen in the House to begin drafting articles of impeachment for said president*.
The question caused her to pivot and face the hapless scribe. After telling him in no uncertain terms he was wrong, she marched back to the lectern and described being raised in a Catholic family with "a heart full of love". She went on to say she prays for Cheetolini despite his many horrific policies. She implied the impeachment was forced on her by tRump's abuse of his office and her oath of office. Finally, she faced the reporter once more and said "Don't mess with me" and marched out as the gaggle of reporters sat back in stunned silence.
Combined with Joe Biden calling an Iowa voter a "damned liar" for implying he got his son a lucrative job in Ukraine, Pelosi's performance seems to give the lie to the media narrative of democrats in a defensive crouch when assailed by republican talking points. Maybe Nancy is on to something and tough love is the right answer for her critics.
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