Friday, December 13, 2019

Doing the wrong thing

     Just as democrats in the House struggle to do what the president*'s crimes demand and follow through on impeachment, republicans have reacted in exactly the opposite fashion.  They are doing the wrong thing by defending an executive that many in the party freely admit (in private) is doing our democracy great harm.
     It is not only in the political arena where this is happening.  On global climate change, the republican party is the only major political party in the world continuing to deny our world is entering uncharted territory when it comes to weather.  As Paul Krugman points out in today's NYT, part of this is explained by the fact the GOP hoovers up most of the political donations of the fossil fuel industry.   Even that does not fully explain the mendacity of republicans.   They have become an anti-science, anti-immigrant reincarnation of the nativist Know Nothing party of the mid 1800s.  They have staked their continued existence on appealing to the basest instincts embraced by a significant minority of Americans.
     Krugman feels the only way we can save our democracy and by extension, the planet is for the GOP to suffer a series of crushing defeats.  Unfortunately, as yesterday's elections in the UK dealt a crushing defeat to the Labor Party in what may be a dress rehearsal of our own in 2020, being on the right side of history may not be enough in today's world.  

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