Wednesday, December 18, 2019

History will judge

      The ink was barely dry on Cheetolini's spittle flecked letter to Nancy Pelosi when protesters started brandishing "Impeach" signs and gathering all over the country to demonstrate their support for holding the president* accountable.
      According to tRump's scribes (there is a vanishingly small chance he wrote the text, aside from editorial input) history will judge him a victim of democratic overreach.   The problem with the argument is its willful ignorance of the Constitution, the separation of powers and simple justice.  The president* and his enablers don't believe it was wrong to pressure foreign governments to intervene in American elections.   After all, it worked in 2016!
     A slim majority of citizens believe in the impeachment of this lawless president and up to 70% believe relevant witnesses should be called during the Senate trial.  Of course this will never happen because even as he protests his innocence, tRump will never allow Mick Mulvaney, John Bolton and other witnesses with intimate knowledge of Ukrainegate to testify.   There will be no Profiles in Courage moment in the Senate because the outcome is a foregone conclusion.  
     Some pundits are already saying that within a generation this president* will be judged less harshly than most of us imagine at least in the textbooks approved in red states.  I am less sure of that.  As more and more evidence comes to light, The Donald will go down as the most corrupt and least liked president in modern times.  That is the legacy he is fighting against.

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