Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Willful blindness

     Tomorrow morning, the redacted Mueller report will be made public by the grace of serial liar William Barr.  As most of us who live outside the Faux News bubble have heard by now, Barr has participated in a similar scam in a previous stint in the justice department.  He "summarized the conclusions" of a legal opinion he authored as head of the Office of Legal council for the Shrub's father's administration.   When the full opinion was released after Barr left office, it gave the lie to his summary.   That alone would have recommended him to Cheetolini.
      Until the full, unredacted Mueller report is released, suspicion of the Attorney General's motives in keeping much of it secret will abound.  Even Mueller's summaries of the various sections of the report will supposedly be censored.   
      I have a feeling the president's* supporters will be loudly proclaiming his "total exoneration" when Barr's version of the report comes out.  The hard work of forcing the release of the full text will start in earnest on Good Friday.  Unlike Jesus, it will take more than three days to resurrect the truth of this matter.   In the meantime, partisan blindness will be the order of the day.

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