Wednesday, April 3, 2019

April Blues

On a cloudy, cool April morning, nothing seems right with the world.  Our laughingstock of  a president* is inspiring left leaning cable news to recruit psychiatrists to explain his latest gaffes regarding his father's birthplace, his inability to pronounce the word origins and his paranoid rant that a speech being covered by C-Span would be released to the media.  Although his enablers at Faux News will undoubtedly explain these bobbles away, most of the rest of us are either horrified or terrified by the implications.
   Meanwhile, the weather is proving elusive to those of us who would rather be golfing or gardening than worrying about our nation's leadership.  The seedlings in the basement are starting to outgrow their present digs and it is still too cold to transplant the peppers and eggplant into cold frames.  It is turning into the April of discontent.

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