Tuesday, April 30, 2019

The Night King Cometh

    Sunday night's episode of the Game of Thrones series was among the most and least satisfying of recent memory.  The Night King, an existential threat on a par with a second term for tRump, defied all of the heroes' best efforts, including a bath of dragonfire and seemed on the verge of triumph over the most potent adversaries he was likely to face when a teenager with a Valerian steel dagger dispatched him and by extension his entire zombie army.
     How does this television event relate to the real life threat of the Donald and his seemingly unstoppable zombie horde of MAGAots?   As has been shown time and again, revelations which would have ended the presidency or at least the popularity of the man in question bounce off tRump like so many ping pong balls.  As he famously opined he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not loose supporters!  But, perhaps our president* has a secret vulnerability as spectacular as the Night King's susceptibility to Valerian steel.  Perhaps his tax returns are that vulnerability.
    The quality most tRumpians' cite as proof of their hero's fitness is his business success.  Despite his multiple bankruptcies and many business failures and the revelation he was a trust fund baby continually propped up by his father's fortune, his fans' continue to think of him in terms of his success at marketing himself.  Think of the long term effects of his appearance as the business tycoon in charge of aspiring tyros in The Apprentice.  This is the foundation of the tRump mystique.  However, if his tax returns were laid bare, could he sustain the same aura of invincibility?
    Instead of Arya Stark, we will have to depend on Richard Neal and his House Ways and Means Committee to reveal the Emperor has no Clothes moment when tRump is revealed for the lying petty billionaire wannabe he has always been.  Then we will see if the zombie army of tRumpists dissolves like the Night King's minions.

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