Tuesday, April 9, 2019

The continuing debasement of America

The nomination of deadbeat Steven Moore and scammer Hermain Cain to the Federal Reserve Board as well as the firing of numerous leaders of the Department of Homeland Security are part of this administration's semi-conscious plan to turn the nation into a banana republic.  Some history first.
    The aforementioned nation's associated with a fruit comes from US policy during the early years of the last century when many central American countries were basically run by the United Fruit company (the precursor of Dole and Chiquita banana) with the aid and assistance of the US Army.
    With the elevation of tRump's personal picks to the Fed, we can expect the latter to become an adjunct to the administration instead of an independent actor.  Where most American presidents where fearful of violating the Fed's freedom, Cheetolini wants to make it his plaything.  Remember this if a financial crisis occurs during his term.
    Meanwhile, with the connivance of the psychopathic Steven Miller, the leadership of DHS is being removed and presumably be replaced by people willing to violate immigration law in service of the dear leader.  Family separation at the border will become the norm.  Automatic denial of asylum to brown skinned people, ditto.   Even the present leadership's refusal to violate laws regarding immigrant rights while condoning casual cruelty will seem positively courageous when the next head of DHS flouts the law with the support of the commander in chief.
    This combination of hacks and lawlessness is rapidly debasing the already tarnished reputation of our country.   What happens next is up to us.

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