Monday, April 29, 2019

Real life intrudes

With temperatures in the low 30s and bright sunshine it feels like a nice day in late February rather than late April.  I know I am overly pessimistic about weather trends here in the North Country, but despite having lived here for 18 years it is hard to be on the doorstep of May and still fearing a killing frost.  The garlic has finally pushed out of my straw mulch and is defining the rows like so many little green soldiers.  The onions which have so far survive depredations by birds mistaking the red shafts as worms seem to be doing well and the second planting of spinach is starting to break through.
    Meanwhile, in the political world, there was another shooting at a synagogue on the west coast.  The shooter, a white supremacist, seemed to be following in the footsteps of Dylan Root by admitting he was trying to ignite a race war, this time against Jews.  In Wisconsin, the Pinocchio of the Potomac was spewing more lies at a rally, accusing women and doctors of "executing" babies at or near birth.  This type of egregious behavior is one of the reasons mass shootings occur at a record breaking pace.  It's no wonder so many of retreat to fantasy worlds like the Game of Thrones universe or the promise of heroism promised by The Avengers.  

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