To impeach or not to impeach is the question many democrats are struggling with these days. It would seem like a no brainer after the Mueller report detailed many of the flagrant obstructions of justice perpetrated by Cheetolini and his followers. However, the right wing spin machine has been in overdrive ever since William Barr's four page whitewash of tRump's many crimes was released before the redacted but still powerful report of election meddling by the Russians was made public.
All of us have friends on the right who can 't conceive there is any wrongdoing by the president*, no matter what Mueller's report says. They will fall back on Barr's and Faux New's assurances there was nothing to see and we need to move on. The 35-40% of tRump's diehard fans will presumably go to the barricades for their hero, although most of their elderly white bodies would fail miserably in that endeavor.
Democrats are left with a Hobson's choice; do the right thing in the face of opposition by nearly 40% of Americans, or punt and hope their fellow Americans will see the light in 2020. Of course there is a third way. Do the diligence and investigate the clues Mueller left for them and let the chips fall where they may. The Donald's intransigence and rage tweets may force the Judiciary committee to commence impeachment hearings in order to enforce subpoenas for information and witnesses in any case. It is time to show their fellow countrymen that at least one political party puts America's best interests above its own.
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