Monday, April 8, 2019

Dying on Tax Hill

Through all the twists and turns of the tRump presidency*, there has been one absolute.  Cheetolini originally agreed to release his tax returns as soon as the audit he was under was finished.  3 years later, we are still waiting and with the Ways and Means Committee ready to subpoena the returns, the Donald is ready to fight the release all the way to the Supreme Court.  The law is pretty clearly on the side of transparency, and even his hand picked justices would have to do legal backflips to justify a ruling against Congress.  Some have even speculated that if all legal rulings go against him he will still refuse to hand over the returns.  Being the half hearted dictator that he is, I doubt it will come to a guns drawn showdown, but tRump will make every effort short of that to ensure we never see those documents.  That alone should tell us there are huge problems for the president* should we ever see his financial records.  He has made it clear he is willing to die on that hill.

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