It occurs to me the coming battle between democrats in Congress and the tRump administration has eerie parallels to the HBO epic Game of Thrones! This is especially true in the 2nd episode of the eighth season, "A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms". For those of you who either don't have access to HBO or are uninterested in the series, GOT is all about a struggle for power in a fictional world which much resembles the European Middle Ages and the era of chivalry. The inhabitants are also facing the existential threat of the White Walkers who simultaneously want to bring eternal winter to the world and wipe out all human life (think republicans and their repudiation of scientific evidence of global warming).
In the aforementioned episode, the last best hope of humanity (congressional democrats) girds for battle with the Night King and his horde (tRump and his merry band of nihilists). They arm for battle with dragonglass weapons which can slay the undead (subpoenas) and plan a vigorous defense of Winterfell (democracy). Many expect to be slain (defeated for re-election), but they hope to bring down the King (tRump?) in the process. Episode 3 depicts the battle between the opposing forces. Unfortunately for democrats, but not for viewers of the series there are three more episodes before the series ends, so regardless of the outcome this week (anytime before the 2020 elections), the folk of Winterfell and democrats will have to keep the battles going long after the appetite for conflict is sated. I have grave forebodings in both cases, but I will keep watching (participating).
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