Wednesday, April 10, 2019

To be or not to be

Now that the democratic party has moved left in response to the GOP's continuing surge to the right, many political scientists are saying the dems are heading to defeat in 2020 if they nominate a lefty firebrand.   I would like to know who they consider the most liberal among the contenders.  Is it Elizabeth Warren, who wants to take on multinationals and is in the mold of Teddy Roosevelt or is it Bernie Sanders who advocates for a watered down  version of Northern European social democracy.  Maybe it is Andrew Yang, an entrepreneur who is calling for Universal Basic Income.  Some are even calling for reparations to be paid to descendants of slaves.   What all these positions have in common is they call for a fundamental change in income distribution.  That is why the media, more and more controlled by the .01%, will undermine these campaigns in subtle and also very public ways.  The goal of the media and its enablers is the economically anodyne and socially liberal views of the Joe Biden wing of the party.  These people would have us contend on social issues while they continue to exacerbate the economic disparities among us.

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