Tuesday, October 9, 2018


I'm tired of the winning and the losing.  Keeping score these days is an exhausting experience.  The worst part is the refusal of the republicans to compromise on any issue.  As the Kavanaugh debacle confirmed for progressives, the GOP, led by McConnell will use their narrow majority to ram any tRump favored nominee through the confirmation process.  The transformation of an independent judiciary into a partisan arm of the party is accelerating.   The next democratic president may find himself hamstrung even with congressional majorities by a Supreme Court ready and willing to find any progressive legislation unconstitutional.  This latter day gilded age may last until the results of climate change turn most people into reluctant democrats since the GOP with its refusal to deal with the results of anthropomorphic climate change will have backed us into a corner.   At that point, we'll all be losing.

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