Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Three ring circus or carnival

As the Kavanaugh investigation grinds on, the *president hosted a Rose Garden press conference to tout his new USMCA, or as one critic put it, he ripped the cover off NAFTA and replaced it with a new acronym.   But it was more than that.   The North American Free Trade Agreement was a conscious attempt at making a more cohesive international system with the US in the lead but with other nations on a equal footing with us.  tRump wants the US to dictate terms to those he considers weaker than us.  This is a fundamental change in the system and in the long run will be detrimental to our interests.  I see The Donald as a carnival barker attempting to sucker the rubes in with tales of the three headed woman, rather than the leader we need in dangerous times.  This is not a circus, but the only habitat humanity has at the moment.  We need someone who understands this critical piece of information.

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