Thursday, October 11, 2018

Polling and #metoo

Well, it seems the first senate polls after the Kavanaugh confirmation hold good news for republicans.  From Texas to Tennessee to Arizona and Nevada, GOP candidates rolled out to leads beyond the margin of error.  Even Beto O'Rourke, the poster boy for a reimagined democratic message featuring a bold progressive agenda which most Americans support.  This latest news is just more confirmation the lizard brain in most of us is dominant over the socially conscious thought process.  White men and the women who have internalized the patriarchy are still reliable GOP voters and until the democratic constituencies of women, people of color and youth match or exceed the voting rates of the former, the party will continue to languish in the midterm elections.  Unless tRump manages some outrage in the next few weeks, it looks like the senate is out of reach for the moment.

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