Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Through the glass darkly

The cause of the week among the media is the killing by Saudi government agents of a ex-pat journalist working for the Washington Post.  As has become usual in these most unusual times, the *president has weighed in on what would seem to be the nonsensical side of the story.  The Saudis' first 3 or 4 attempts at explaining how Jamaal Khashoggi entered the Saudi consulate in Turkey but never left it were totally at odds with the facts on the ground.  Now, abetted by tRump, they are circulating a theory he was killed during an interrogation gone awry.  In other words, he died under torture.  That being the case, they should at some point produce a body.  If they don't, there will be another fanciful explanation and The Donald will continue to help cover the Crown Prince's sorry posterior.  As always, money is the sole driver of our Liar-in-Chief's performance which is another black mark in America's standing in the world community. 

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