Monday, October 29, 2018

Post Obama Blues

Kevin Drum has seen the future and it is multicultural and progressive.   Forget about tRump and the deplorables. They were part of the last gasp of white resentment of a nation which is fast changing and their level of outrage and victimization is unlikely to stoke another election victory for The Donald or anyone else looking to energize this type of voter.  I surely hope so, but if I was a democrat running for office I wouldn't count on it.   My own congressional district is a case in point.   Despite an energized progressive movement, NY 21 is overwhelmingly old and white and even with a great candidate it is unlikely to vote Democratic for the forseeable future unless as happened in 2008 the republican base splits among several candidates and one runs as a third party standard bearer.  , As unfortunate as it appears, appeals to white fears is a pretty good electoral strategy in many areas of the country for many years to come.  But, change is coming and by fits and starts, a new, more progressive nation will come.

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