Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Despicable Him

As Lawrence O'Donnell, the MSNBC 10 o'clock host put it, he saw the footage of tRump at a Mississippi campaign rally making fun of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and was so repelled by it he refused to put it on his program.   That the liar-in chief can still get away with mocking victims of sexual assault shows how far we have yet to go in this regard.   That the crowd began to chant "lock her up" after his disgraceful performance says more than most of us want to hear about the coarseness of our society in 2018.   Add to that the publication by the NYT of an investigative report on the tax fraud which enabled tRump and his siblings to hoover up hundreds of millions from their father without paying taxes on most of it.   The brazenness of the frauds perpetrated by Fred Trump and his spawn is breathtaking and shows pretty conclusively that tRump was continuously bailed out of financial jeopardy by his old man.  About the only successes junior ever enjoyed involved parlaying supposed business acumen in the TV show "The Apprentice" and money laundering from his father's fortune and later on performing a similar service for Russian oligarchs.  Truly a despicable excuse for human being.

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