Thursday, October 4, 2018

Haves and have nots

Money and political power.  Republicans have it and Democrats don't for the most part.   We are seeing it in real time during the confirmation battle over Kavanaugh and the NYT article on tRump's financial chicanery over the years.  On the former, the White House deliberately hobbled an investigation into sexual assault allegations against the embattled SCOTUS nominee and the majority leader will ram the nomination through by the beginning of next week.  Regarding the report indicating that tRump's reputation as a self made man is for the most part a fantasy, there is no outcry among republicans to hold hearings into possible tax fraud.  Nor is there demands to make the *president's tax returns public.  The GOP holds all the power in Washington and they will protect the leader and his nominee from scrutiny.  The only solution is to change the dynamic in next month's election. 

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