Wednesday, October 24, 2018

The banality of truth

It seems these days we are living in a post truth environment.   One of the two major political parties, the *president and the party's official propaganda outlet have decided to bombard the public with non-stop lies 24/7.   Of course they are using George Orwell's playbook, aka "1984".   The only difference is the other major party and most of the news media are not on board, so the inconvenient truth is also told and most of the lies debunked in real time.  The problem is roughly a third of the American electorate wants to be lied to and actually seems to enjoy having their trust abused on a regular basis.  An additional 10-15% will buy into selective lies which reinforce their prejudices.  This is a potent base which republicans know they can count on in most elections.   Hannah Arendt wrote about the banality of evil.   We are now in the era where the banality of truth may usher in the kind of evils she exposed.   The solution is not more hand wringing by media pundits.  If it is a lie, call it out and count on the majority of the population to do the right thing.  Stop being polite if that is what it takes.  

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