Friday, June 15, 2018

tRump's Comeyover

Along with about 99.9% of my fellow Americans, I will not be reading the entire FBI inspector general's report concerning James Comey's handling of Hillary Clinton's e-mails.  However, as with most on the right and the left, I read the conclusion which pretty much accuses the former director of the FBI of facilitating the election of inarguably the least qualified presidential candidate in history.   Most of Comey's actions can be explained by his barely disguised fear of the never ending hearings being promised by republicans in congress who had been "working the refs" since the beginning of the investigation of Hillary's e-mail server and the fateful choice she made to use a private server instead of the government's.  Comey was right to be afraid, but it substituting his judgement for well established agency procedures was a huge mistake.  I believe he was certain Clinton would be elected as were most thinking Americans.  He was engaged in a huge CYA operation in the event republicans called him before numerous committees to question his actions.   Instead, his reputation has been damaged by the IG's report and his beloved FBI is being dragged through the mud by the people who benefitted most by his actions.  It is a cautionary tale which should be required reading for every incoming class of FBI agents.

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