Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Making America Cruel Again

The Democrats and MSNBC have decided that cruelty to immigrant children is the issue, at least for the moment, they will use to beat Republicans and the president*.   It is a long way to November, but the sights and sounds of children crying for the moms and dads will be flooding the airwaves and tugging at America's heartstrings.  It is certainly a winner in the latest polls where 91% of dems and even 35% of repubs feel the administration has overstepped the bounds of civility.  There is an even bigger issue which may really come back to haunt the GOP.  It seems the various agencies supposedly coordinating the immigration policy have no plan in place to reunite parents and their children.  They are systematically ripping children away from parents without the mind numbing but necessary bureaucracy to keep track of the many thousands of children and their parents.  There are already stories coming out of immigrants being deported while their children remain in detention.  This is the kind of clusterfu*k we have come to expect from Cheeto Jesus and his henchmen, but it seems the whole program is a bridge to far for some tRump fans.   Congressional republicans, especially from districts with Latino voters are up in arms and they may finally provide the votes to check the DOJ and Attorney General Sessions from their plans to turn the southern border into an internment camp reminiscent of the ones Japanese Americans endured during WW2.  It may not be the pivotal issue to bring down tRump, but it certainly is a reminder to the rest of us that our baser selves are only a heartbeat away.

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