Thursday, June 28, 2018

But her e-mails

The list of celebrity and media idiots who pilloried Hillary Clinton about the made up scandal of her private e-mail server is long and they should all be publically shamed in the wake of Neil Gorsuch's appointment to the Supreme Court and the retirement of Anthony Kennedy.  Votes for Jill Stein in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania provided the electoral victory for Cheeto Jesus and enabled Mitch McConnell's remake of SCOTUS in the image of the average republican voter, i.e. an angry old white man.  The media firestorm over Clinton's e-mails and women like Susan Sarandon who said they couldn't trust Hillary and felt a Trump presidency would "heighten the contradictions" and lead to a progressive tidal wave effectively handed the keys to an authoritarian future to the most reactionary congress since reconstruction.  I know it is like stirring up bitter dregs, but we must remember stupidity and at least try not to repeat it in the future.  Sarandon is not going to suffer under the present administration, but as we see at our southern border and in gerrymandered states like North Carolina people of color and the poor will bear the brunt of her enablement of McConnell and his ilk.

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