Thursday, June 21, 2018

There's Something Happening Here

With Apologies to Stephen Stills and Neil Young.  So Cheeto Jesus finally bowed to the pressure applied by nearly every non Faux News outlet and did what he claimed he could not do, namely ending the concentration camps for kids policy.  Or did he?  By continuing to hold families in detention for more than 20 days, the administration will be violating a court decree forbidding the practice.  The Obama administration complied with the ruling by practicing "catch and release" of families.  Most asylum seekers showed up for their immigration court dates and most of those were denied asylum, but that is not good enough for this later day Hitler and Goebbels act we foisted on ourselves.  By violating the court order, tRump, Sessions and ICE can claim the courts are forcing them to separate families in order to comply.  The only solution is Democratic majorities in both Houses of Congress.  Let's vote the bastards who are enabling this administration out of office and start shining a light on the cockroaches.

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