Monday, June 18, 2018

Musings on Father's Day

The three lovely young ladies I have the honor of calling daughters came over to the house with their respective families and a good time was had by all.   As I modestly (if I do say so myself) pointed out, the Divine Mrs. M had a lot more to do with their upbringing than yours truly, but if they want to bestow a few kisses and a sentimental facebook post, who am I to argue.   Father's Day is one of those made up celebrations which are probably more inspired by Hallmark as a way to generate card sales.  However, while I may not have been as involved in their lives as I might have liked, I think I did one thing for them.  I showed them a father who got up every day and did what needed to be done.   Whether going to work, mowing the grass or taking them to dance lessons, I tried to show them someone who welcomed responsibility.  I believe I see that reflected in all my girls do with respect to their jobs and families.  While it is not a heart tugging trait, responsibility is what our society is built on.  That being said, I still love them and their mother with all my heart!

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