Monday, June 4, 2018

Happy Birthday

On this day in 1981, the Divine Mrs. M and myself started an ongoing journey with the birth of our daughter, Catherine Alicia.   As new parents we didn't have a clue about what the unfolding story of parenthood would be.   All we knew was we would be challenged as never before and yet blessed by our interactions with this cute albeit squalling bundle of joy. We have since realized that being a parent is not only a full time job when your child is growing up.  The responsibilities continue throughout your lives, shifting from the older generation to the younger.  There have been tears on occasion and smiles as the little baby has grown into a woman with children of her own.  I'm sure my better half can hear the catchy little tune I'm humming as I write this.   Happy birthday Alicia.  We are so proud of the person you have become.

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