Thursday, June 7, 2018

Burning down the House

Despite the torrent of bullshit issuing from the present inhabitant of the White House these days, there is an occasional nugget of mirth in the mire.  The report that Cheeto Jesus justified raising tariffs on steel imported from Canada is one such incident.  When PM Justin Trudeau asked how tRump could say Canada was a security threat to the US, The Donald said of course they are, didn't you guys burn down the White House in 1812.  As someone who deals with Canadians on a regular basis, I can tell you they take history far more seriously than most Americans.   As one of our northern neighbors pointed out, it was actually the British who did the deed and it was in 1814 just before the end of the war.  He might also have pointed out the invasion provided the impetus for Francis Scott Key to pen the anthem which tRump now uses as a cudgel to berate NFL players for not respecting it.  The president* has been playing with metaphorical matches for years.  He may yet burn down the house.

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